I can’t describe how happy I am to be FINISHED with school! I feel like my life has just begun, which is the biggest cliché ever, I know.

One of my amazing friends came to visit me about a week ago, and she brought her two beautiful kids. We’ve had so much fun, and we’ve definitely tried our best to enjoy the beginning of summer to the fullest. Today we went to the zoo, and of course I took some pictures!

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I like monkeys, can you tell!

I also wanted to say that once I leave for Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia (IN 9 DAYS), I will be filming a lot of it! I really hope some of you will stay tuned for that!



Hello wonderful people!

I’ve had so many blogs growing up, that I’ve lost count. Hopefully I will manage to keep this one at least throughout the year! I will be done with High school in about a week, and on August 18th, I will be attending a non-degree granting college / folk high school in Norway. YEY!!

I’m going study movie-production there for about a year, and I couldn’t be more excited!!! I’m doing this because I’m not completely sure what I want to become, and I thought studying movie-production and photography would give me an insight of what it’s like!


A non-degree granting program is basically a program that doesn’t give you a degree, but lets you take courses and learn about a subject, like movie-production in my case. There are no grades, tests, exams etc. All you have to do is show up, do your best, and have fun! 🙂

I’m very much into the different aspects of movie-production, as well as graphic design and photography, so I’m quite sure I will end up doing one of those things when I get older.

This blog will basically be about my year studying movie-production, and how it is living in a dorm! I will also post a lot about photography, graphics, traveling, exercise and whatever else I feel like writing about.
I really hope y’all can stay for the ride! WEHO

I’m also going to Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia in July, so stay tuned for many awesome photos!

You can also read more about me here, if you’re curious! 🙂

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